Tuesday, November 18, 2008


wow I have not been posting quite a long time sry...cuz from 17novto18nov got some fun programe so i went playing hiking in RAIN Haha so these few week i am going not to post much as i m busy**

Friday, November 14, 2008


my dairy 14/11/08
I had not write any "diary"... HAHA Cause I too busy as well as today so, today was the first day of thisschool holiday i help my mother in her shop so was pretty busy hee ok...
so bye
Pink Blaze girl

Friday, November 7, 2008


7NOV 2008 Friday...My dairy ... Humid
Today I woke up early in the morning-(5.35am) and Bath and out i go with my class to Malaysia. First we went to the Pewter Factory we then have our shopping time... I bought a little rabbit toy is so cute, my friend bought a vase is beautiful!!!^_^ I wish I could buy one.Next, we went to the Bee and Fruit Farm, I tasted the honey it was yummy and Know much about all sorts fruits. Then, we went for our lunch, it was YUMMY I like it SO much...it's like a buffet, and of cause there is also fruit the mangoes were so sweet and also VERY sour too. we also went to the ostrich farm I t was fun. the ostrich egg can hold up to 200KG wow!!! We also feed the ostrich with dried corns, we need to buy it but i did not, cause some don't dare to feed so I take some from here...take some from there then not need but as well as for feeding the goat. HaHa!
last, we went to the chocolate outlets, as i have no money, I only bought a small RM6.00 box of chocolate. Finally, that's the end of our day.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dairy 6/11/08

6Nov 2008 My first time writing in an online "diary" Sunny

Hi, today i woke up at 10:30 quite late right? After going to buy the material for Loy-kathong, a thailand occasion which you can make or buy a float decorated by ribbons and put it at the sea the more it go further to the other side of the sea all the bad lucks will go away as the float and you can also make a wish and it may come ture, with my mother we finish buying it and went home i started doing it, it is quite fun. Hey, there is a song in Loy-Kathong you can go online and look for more videos about it. But after that, i came down to play my computer, I like listening songs, so i went to http://www.youtube.com/ i heared connected and two voices one song and many more you know. One of my fav hobby is to sing and other is : cook, dance, read ,draw, watch TV...

4:20 pm
Pink Blaze Girl

From Now on this is my icon for this blog call Me [Pink Blaze Girl]